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You have arrived at my, Hailey Tapia's, e-portfolio for ENC 1102 at the University of Central Florida. My cumulative research on linguistic diversity is located here and serves as a comprehensive representation of my efforts and growth throughout the course.

About Me

I have come to learn that language is a powerful tool; it facilitates connections, enables communication, and influences cultures and individuals. As a speaker of both Guyanese creole and Spanish, I grew up using different languages to navigate academic, social, and personal spaces. Doing so helped me realize that speech is not one size fits all; what works in one context does not always work in another, and whether consciously or incidentally, I often change components of the way I speak in response to what the situation demands, or perhaps seems to demand. These components range from grammar and diction to the language variety itself.


In short, this e-portfolio is an indirect reflection of me and a direct reflection of my attempts to understand how language shapes the speaker. I encourage you to view it with your own linguistic experiences and sentiments in mind. See where you can relate or, conversely, where your views differ. In the end, I hope we both can locate, or will have made strides toward locating, ourselves in the ongoing conversation about language diversity.

© 2021 by Hailey Tapia. Proudly created with

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